
Modeling associative memory on robots for promoting social behavior

Research / Pillars & Groups / Human Factors & Design / SuPerWorld / BSc/MSc Topics / Modeling associative memory on robots for promoting social behavior
17 January. 2021
This project is about mimicking the way humans store information to their brain, associating this information with other memories and happenings in the past. For example, an image of some person eating an apple could associate this person with the fact that he likes fruits, particularly apples. In the future, if the same person expresses hunger, the robot might suggest eating an apple. Or when the robot recognizes an apple, it might remember this same person if not a stronger stimulus appears at its memory. Thus, this model can then be used to improve the social behavior of robots when interacting with humans. Basic research in new forms of neural and/or deep learning architectures and structures/formations might be required. Moreover, sentiment analysis is important in this context, to understand the emotional state of humans and how to act accordingly. Also, which other sensors (beside camera) can be used to recognize humans and infer their state or needs? How can we bridge together artificial intelligence technologies, such as deep learning, knowledge?
Required Skills
Modeling skills, some disciplines from artificial intelligence, robotic systems and empathic robots
Skills Level
All levels of required skills are welcome