
Crowdsourced Event Reporting in a Smart City Setting

Career / Placement Opportunities / BSc/MSc Topics / Crowdsourced Event Reporting in a Smart City Setting
17 January. 2021
The “wisdom of the crowd” has been used extensively to elicit reliable information from a collection of potentially unreliable sources, typically relying on the cognitive abilities of humans to compute an answer, recall information, or express an opinion. In the era of the Internet of Things, and with the widespread use of mobile smart devices (such as smartphones, smartwatches, etc.), humans in a crowdsourcing context can also be viewed as sensing devices with an admittedly powerful edge-computing ability to recognize events or situations. This project aims to develop a crowdsourcing application that runs on mobile smart devices and that offers a one-button solution to reporting events in a smart city setting, along with a back-end server application to collect, evaluate, aggregate, and visualize the reported events. Depending on the internship type, the project can be adapted towards the development of the applications and their empirical evaluation, or towards the design and analysis of appropriate incentive schemes and aggregation methods to guarantee the quality of the reporting.