
Data Analysis and Visualization for Transparent User Profiling

Research / Pillars & Groups / Communications & Artificial Intelligence / SCRAT / Internships / Data Analysis and Visualization for Transparent User Profiling
17 January. 2021
When a user provides consent for some of their personal data to be used towards creating their profile and customizing their experience, a natural question arises on whether the user is really informed of what data is being explicitly gathered and what inferences can be drawn from that data. If, for example, a user has chosen to share their geo-location with their smartphone, but has declined to share other demographic information, is the user aware of what stream of data is being gathered by their smartphone, and that this stream of data might reveal indirectly their gender, age, or marital status? How can we most transparently present to the user what data is being gathered, and what inferences can be drawn from that data. Depending on the internship type, the project can be adapted towards the visualization of the gathered data, towards the formal analysis of the inferences that can be drawn, or towards other aspects of the problem that can be discussed and identified with the intern. 
Required Skills
Data visualization OR formal analysis OR data analytics OR data modeling 
The main objective of the internship is to provide an answer to the following question: How can we most transparently present to the user what data is being gathered, and what inferences can be drawn from that data. Depending on the background of the intern, the project can be adapted towards the visualization of the gathered data, towards the formal analysis of the inferences that can be drawn, or towards other aspects of the problem that can be discussed and identified with the intern.